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  • Clayton Williams

3620 Piedmont Rd NE Ste B, New York City, NY 10036


Contest Property Taxes - Introduction

Property Tax Appeal Consulting Business Course: An evergreen consulting business that needs consultants given 40% + assessment error rates! When yearly property tax assessment notices hit mailboxes, for 2 months a year you can make a lot of money. Go to: PropertyTaxConsultingBusiness.com to learn more!

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  • property tax consulting course

    While some were happy to see the value of their property value going up, others are ANGRY that their taxes are going up. Many won't be able to keep up with the mounting taxes and stay in their homes. The big fly in the ointment is that government is getting BIGGER and property taxes are increasing. AND, the fact is that many homes are over-assessed. Many of these home have been over-paying their fair share of property taxes for years! The National Taxpayers Union is credited as saying that as much as 50% of all property in America is over assessed.

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